Welcome to the Social Cognition Lab at the University of Texas at Austin!

Research in our lab uses a social-cognitive approach to address three broad questions: (1) How do people make evaluative judgments (good vs. bad)? (2) How do people make truth judgments (true vs. false)? (3) How do people make moral judgments (right vs. wrong)? To address these questions, our research utilizes a combination of lab and online studies, explicit and implicit measures, and computational modeling. Major lines of current research include attitude formation and change, susceptibility to misinformation, and decisions in moral dilemmas. In addition to these major themes, our work is concerned with basic questions of psychological measurement and meta-theoretical issues in the construction and evaluation of psychological theories.

Lab News

Dr. Gawronski will consider applications for a new graduate student who is interested in computational modeling and the intersection of morality and political polarization.
Congratulations to Tyler Hubeny for being selected for a Graduate Student Registration Stipend by the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.
Congratulations to Nyx Ng for being selected for a Graduate Continuing Fellowship by the University of Texas at Austin.
Congratulations to Fabian Wurzinger for being selected for a Graduate Student Registration Stipend by the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.
Bertram Gawronski has been selected for the 2022-2023 Josh Holahan Excellence in Teaching Award by the Department of Psychology at UT Austin.
The Social Cognition Lab has been awarded a new grant from the John Templeton Foundation to study effects of intellectual humility on susceptibility to misinformation.
The Social Cognition Lab has been awarded a new grant from the National Science Foundation to study perceptions of ingroup and outgroup morality.
Department of Psychology | University of Texas at Austin
© Copyright 2013 Bertram Gawronski. All rights reserved.